I provide a variety of Services to meet the needs of any Dog Owner.
A Service dog is a dog that has public access and is specially trained to mitigate a person's disability by performing specific tasks for them. It is a generally recognized rule of thumb that a service dog should perform a minimum of 3 tasks. Our self train service dog training model is revolutionizing the industry by teaching owners/ handlers how to train, communicate with and problem solve with their dogs. By being a part of the training process alongside of the dog from the very beginning, we ensure that the dog's skills don't decline after the trainer leaves the picture. We often say that training is never "complete" and for this reason, we are committed to supporting you after the dog graduates, for the life of the dog with free telephone training consultations and yearly in person check-in's. Graduates must pass a public access test administered by a third party and complete training with a Diploma that handlers can use as proof of proper training when taking their pup in public. This program gives you the knowledge and know how to be the best handler/ trainer and communicator that you can possibly be; while being supported with professional help and guidance all the way through your training and the life of your service dog.
We offer relationship and communication based training to anyone who is seeking to provide comfort to others with the use of their dog! We specialize in training for professionals who would like to partner with their pet to provide support in their practice, in addition to helping individuals prepare for certification through a volunteer organization. Our Public Access program teaches puppies and adult dogs how to process and filter the world around them so that they are comfortable and confident in any and all situations. We also provide specific training to the environment where your dog will work- from a dog who will assist a physical therapist teaching patients to walk, or a speech language pathologist, or a dog to provide support for children with Autism. We understand that each of these "jobs" requires a different set of skills, socialization and teach each individual dog will have it's own set of strengths and weaknesses. We teach you how to communicate with your dog effectively to ensure that you can work together as an effective team in your environment of choice.
A home help mate is a dog that provides services to mitigate a disability, but doesn't necessarily need public access. Home Help Mates are a little talked about or acknowledged concept in the service dog industry, but the work they do is just as important! These dogs are a great option for families who know they need some help, but don't necessarily need the full service dog that comes with them wherever they go. This option is a training step below a service dog, but a higher level than an "emotional support animal". This dog is specifically trained to perform tasks to assist it's handler, or family, and has the potential to be a life changer for certain families!
Obedience is the foundation for EVERYTHING! This program is designed for people who want a generally well-rounded dog--one who can be calm in the house, maintain obedience in the park, and display good manners with company. Advanced obedience is the primary training courses for all programs at Legend.
Puppy Jump Start is a required pre-requisite course for dogs desiring to be Service Dogs, Therapy Dogs and is ideal for all dogs. This course teaches you the developmental stages of Puppy adolescence and development, using a process called free shaping to build the picture of the behaviors that we want your dog to perform as an adult. By using a combination of structure and exploration, we build confident puppies that can filter the world effectively so that they are able to stay focused on their handler, or the individual they are serving.