Assistance Puppy Questionaire
The very best way to assure that you receive a well qualified puppy to be your service dog candidate is to work with a Breeder who specializes in producing service dogs, and who also plans the entire puppy raising, picking and delivery process with the needs of these unique buyers in mind.
At Legend, our entre breeding program is centered around producing high quality service dogs. We only accept puppy deposits from Assistance Animal buyers in advance of temperament testing, ensuring that assistance animal buyers receive top priority. Puppies who temperament test as companions or competition level dogs will be placed in those homes and any puppies who test as Service Dog candidates will be sold to appropriate homes or started as Service dogs. We do not keep back puppies who temperament test as high quality therapy dogs or home help mates, these puppies will be placed as companion dogs. If you are interested in a therapy dog or home help mate the best way to get a top quality candidate is to place a deposit for one before the litter is temperament tested.
We use an outside temperament tester to evaluate each litter, we would never want anyone to think that we qualified a puppy as a service dog candidate because we didn't want to give a refund. We also wouldn't want our relationship to a specific puppy, emotions or personal preferences to cause us to choose a dog that was not qualified. Using an outside temperament tester ensures the validity of testing by providing a neutral person that the puppies have never met before; as well as the validity of the unbiased results.
And because all of our puppies come with a 26 month hip and lifelong genetic guarantee, you can trust that the service dog candidate you recieve is fit and ready to work with and for you!
To inquire about this process please complete the questionnaire so that we can find the right puppy for you! Click the button below to learn more about our unique puppy raising methods: